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Available Toll Free Numbers
001. 800-2-CARDIOLOGY
002. 800-3-URGENT
003. 800-32-BYPASS
004. 800-4-INCUBATOR
005. 800-45-HEART
006. 800-5-ATTACK
007. 800-5-STROKE
008. 800-656-ECHO
009. 800-96-CARDIAC
010. 800-978-ECHOS
011. 800-BYPASS-911
012. 800-BYPASS-NOW
013. 800-DOC-URGENT
014. 800-FOR-MURMUR
015. 800-FREE-BYPASS
016. 800-FULL-BYPASS
017. 800-GO-URGENT
019. 800-HEART-JR
020. 800-MY-BYPASS
021. 800-MY-CORONARY
022. 800-OUR-BYPASS
023. 800-PULSE-HELP
025. 866-SOS-HEART
027. 877-AID-HEART
028. 877-BLOCK-123
029. 877-HEART-EXAM
030. 877-PANIC-HELP
031. 877-PULMONARY
032. 877-STROKE-911
034. 877-URGENT-911
035. 888-4-VENTILATOR
037. 888-BLOCK-ALL
038. 888-CARE-URGENT
039. 888-DOC-HEART
040. 888-DOC-STROKE
041. 888-DR-HEART
042. 888-EZ-HEART
043. 888-HEART-411
044. 888-SOS-BYPASS
045. 888-STROKE-LINE
046. 888-STROKE-TIP
047. 888-TO-CARDIAC
048. 888-URGENTLY
049. 888-WON-HEART
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When a Frankfort mom went into cardiac arrest, her teenage son used CPR to save her life
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Machine learning could offer faster, more precise results for cardiac MRI scans
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Metabolic Surgery Linked to Significantly Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Researchers have associated metabolic surgery with lower risk for all-cause mortality, coronary artery events, cerebrovascular events, heart failure, nephropathy ...
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